Scoring policy and checking points

1st Course students 18/18







21.10.2020 г. 31.10.2020 г.





25.11. 2020 г.  01.12.2020 г.




23.11. 2020 г. 26.12.2020 г.




 Short List of Terms for Dictation
 dialect ['daɪəlekt]
 dialect chain;
 pluricentric languages
 sociolect [ˈsəʊsɪə(ʊ)lɛkt, ˈsəʊʃɪə(ʊ)-] 
 Prestige [pres'tiːʒ] variety [və'raɪətɪ]

 covert ['kʌvət] prestige


 matched guise test 

acrolect [ˈakrə(ʊ)lɛkt]
convergence [kən'vɜːʤ(ə)n(t)s];
recipent design;
basilect [ˈbasɪlɛkt, ˈbeɪsɪ-]
mesolect [ˈmezəˌlekt, ˈmesə-, ˈmēzə-, ˈmēsə-]
jargon [ʤɑ͟ː(r)gən];
community of practice
argot ['ɑːgəu];
cant [kænt];
Elaborated code (Bernstein); 
patois ['pætwɑː]
koine ['kɔɪneɪ]; [ˈkɔɪniː]
lingua franca [ˌlɪnguʌ'fræŋkə]
pidgin ['pɪʤɪn] 
Bislama [ˈbɪʃləˌmɑː]
Papua [ˈpapwə, paˈpuːə, ˈpapjʊə], New Guinea [ˌnjuː'gɪnɪ]
Tok Pisin [ˌtɔk'pɪsɪn]
Creole ['kriːəul]
Post-creole continuum [kən'tɪnjuəm];
diglossia [dʌɪˈglɒsɪə]
bilingualism [baɪlɪ̱ŋgwəlɪzəm]
substratum [ˌsʌb'strɑːtəm] ; Pl.: substrata
superstratum [suːpəˈstrɑːtəm, -ˈstreɪtəm]
adstratum [ˈadstrɑːtəm, adˈstrɑːtəm] 
lexifier language
Sprechbund / Speech community
Sprachbund (German: [ˈʃpʁaːxbʊnt] / "federation of languages"
linguistic relativity
linguistic imperialism
Teaching English as an International Language
political correctness
gender fair
London Cockney ['kɒknɪ]
MLE, or Multicultural London English
Jamaican [ʤə'meɪkən]
Jafaican /dʒəˈfeɪkən/
Global English
World Englishes
status ['steɪtəs]
face threatening acts
 Topics for your Presentations
  1. Glottochronology [ˌglɒtəʊkrəˈnɒlədʒi] / Morris Swadesh (1909–1967) 
  2. Gender Linguistics
  3. Positive versus Negative Politeness
  4. Presupposition and Implication
  5. Ruth Fulton Benedict (June 5, 1887 – September 17, 1948) 
  6. Edward Twitchell Hall, Jr. (1914 – 2009) 
  7. John Joseph Gumperz (January 9, 1922 – March 29, 2013)
  8. Dell Hathaway Hymes (June 7, 1927  – November 13, 2009): communicative competence
  9. William Labov /ləˈboʊv/ (born 1927): Discourse strategies 
  10. Herbert Paul Grice (1913 –  1988): Cooperation principle
  11. Implicature;
  12. Classifications of speech acts
  13. Typology of pesupposition;
  14. Implication and inference.

27-11-20 Lecture notes

Курсовая работа
Курсовая работа должна быть индивидуальным, завершенным трудом, отражающим интересы студента, его знания, навыки и умения, она выступает формой приобщения студента к умениям и навыкам теоретического научного труда.
Решите следующие фонематические пропорции.
Учтите при этом, что искомый член пропорции не обязательно должен быть представлен в русском языке.
y:i  = ?-ы  
Hur mycket är klockan?

Определите, одинаковы ли суффиксы в следующих русских прилагательных:
казахский, прусский, этрусский, ненецкий, калмыцкий. 
5.181. Сравните следующие пары словоформ латинского языка и определите в каждом случае способы, использованные для передачи грамматического значения.
Всегда ли легко при этом отличить использование служебного слова от аффиксации, аффиксацию от внутренней флексии, внутреннюю флексию от супплетивизма?
Какими сведениями о системе латинского языка необходимо располагать для успешного решения этой задачи? 
Ornat ‘украшает’ – ornant ‘украшают’,
audit ‘слушает’ – audiunt ‘слушают’,  
pictus ‘разрисованный’ – pingo ‘рисую’,  trēs ‘три’ – tertius ‘третий’, facio ‘делаю – fac ‘делай’,
magna glōria ‘большая слава’ 
– magnā cum gloriā ‘с большой славой’,
pulchĕr ‘красивый’ – pulchra ‘красивая’, 
tempŭs ‘время’  – tempŏră ‘времена’,
altus ‘высокий’ – altissǐmus ‘высочайший’,  
homō‘человек’ – homǐnis человека,
mē ‘меня, мною’ – mēcum  ‘со мной’,
mălus ‘плохой’ – pejor ‘хуже’,
săpiens ‘разумный, мудрый’ –  săpientĕr ‘мудро’,  
ănǐmus ‘дух’,  adverto ‘обращаю’ – ǎnǐmadverto ‘обращаю внимание’. 

11-12-20 Lecture notes

 Get ready for dictation
1. semantics [sɪ'mæntɪks]
2. pragmatics [prægmæ̱tɪks]
3. ambiguity [ˌæmbɪ'gjuːɪtɪ]
4. ambiguous [æm'bɪgjuəs]
5. equivocation [ɪˌkwɪvə'keɪʃ(ə)n]
6. equivocal [ɪ'kwɪvək(ə)l]
7. irrelevant [ɪ'reləv(ə)nt]
8. perspicuous [pə'spɪkjuəs]
9. distinction [dɪ'stɪŋkʃ(ə)n]
10. social         ['səuʃ(ə)l]
11. interaction [ˌɪntər'ækʃ(ə)n]
12. context          ['kɔntekst]
13. utterance ['ʌt(ə)r(ə)n(t)s]
14. recipient [rɪ'sɪpɪənt]; addressee [ˌædre'siː]
15. status ['steɪtəs] 
16. role         [rəul]
17. dialogue ['daɪəlɔg]
18. conversation [ˌkɔnvə'seɪʃ(ə)n]
19. inference ['ɪnfərənsˌ -frəns]; ['ɪnf(ə)r(ə)n(t)s]
20. presupposition [ˌpriːsʌpə'zɪʃ(ə)n]
21. implicature [ˈɪmplɪˌkətʃə, -ˌkeɪtʃə]
22. illocution [ˌɪləˈkjuːʃ(ə)n]
23. perlocution [ˌpɜːlɒ'kjuːʃən]-  
24. performative [pə'fɔːmətɪv] 
25. relationship [rɪ'leɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp]
26. interrelation [ˌɪntərɪ'leɪʃ(ə)n] 
27. ambivalent [æm'bɪv(ə)lənt]
28. recipient [rɪ'sɪpɪənt] design  [dɪ'zaɪn]
29. sociolinguistics [ˌsəuʃɪəulɪŋ'gwɪstɪks]; [ˌsəʊsɪəʊlɪŋ'gwɪstɪks]
30. sociology        [ˌsəʊsɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]; [ˌsəuʃɪ'ɔləʤɪ];

Home assignment by 25-12-2020


Write an analytical essays by 25-12-2020

Topics for your analytical essays by 25-12-2020
  1. Glottochronology versus regular sound correspondences approach;
  2. Do we really need a Gender fair language?
  3. Positive versus Negative Politeness in everyday students' communication;
  4. Low versus high prestige English social dialects; 
  5. Culture gaps in intercultural verbal and nonverbal communication; 
  6. Communicative Competence versus linguistic competence; 
  7. Implicature versus inference;
  8. Componential [kɒmpəˌnɛnʃ(ə)l lexical meaning Analysis versus etymological [ˌetɪmə'lɔʤɪk(ə)l] and functional lexical meaning analysis;
  9. Distributional versus oppositional analysis;
  10. The typology of functional roles of discourse markers in modern spoken English; 
  11. The typology of deixis markers in modern spoken English; 
  12. Strategies of recipient design in modern spoken English; 
  13. Phoneme versus allophone;
  14. Grammar morpheme versus morph in modern English;
  15. Suppletion in modern English;
  16. Conversion versus back-formation in modern English; 
  17. Typology of English understatement communicative function in spoken speech;
  18. Typology of play-on-words in modern English discourse;
  19. Language learning versus language acquisition;
  20. Is English you learn a lingua franca?
  21. Sociolinguistic situation in Australia today;
  22. London Cockney dialect versus RP; 
  23. What is the difference between sentence, proposition and utterance?  
  24. Commutation method versus distributional analysis;
  25. Wave theory versus Stammbaumtheorie;
  26. Substrates, superstrates and adstratum languages in English history;
  27. Euphony ['juːf(ə)nɪ] in English poetry;
  28. Is irony a speech act?
  29. What is a matched guise test? What is the use of it?
  30. Specify pros and cons concerning old Oscar Wilde's “We and the Americans have much in common, but there is always the language barrier.” .
  31. Can we find commonalities between modern English and modern Chinese based on morphological structures analysis?
  32. Statistic approaches in modern Morphological Typology.
  33. Can you appreciate Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis or not? Why?
  34. What makes a good Farewell Speech?
Post scriptum
Stick to the topic. Be specific. Use contrasting.
Never forget to specify the sources in the References accurately.
Avoid plagiarism!    play-on-words)L

Analytical Trial Essay Structure (2,000 words)


i. The concept of the method of scientific research / language / linguistics / language acquisition (language learning or something...). State the problem and the task of your Research.

Provide context and standard criteria for its evaluation.

 ii. Analytical description of method / concept / approach/ point of view 1.

(Highlight Key principles and Features. Be specific. Citing is welcome. Quoting must be followed by analysis. Describe your analytical tools. Provide enough examples.)

 iii. Analytical description of method / concept / approach/ point of view 2.

(Highlight Key principles and Features. Be specific. Citing is welcome.Citing is welcome. Quoting must be followed by analysis. Describe your analytical tools. Provide enough examples.)

 iv. Elicit and state the common features of two methods / conceptions (a block diagram).

 v. Elicit and state the differences of two methods or matters under study.

 vi. Show advantages and disadvantages of the two compared methods / conceptions. 

 vii. Provide a Comparison table.

 viii. Provide the two methods or concepts compatibility analysis.

 ix. Conclusion. Pinpoint key results. State the limitations of your study. 

 x. References


Recommended Reading

Yule pp. 360-386

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27-12-20 Review Lecture

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The Code 


The Code 


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