
Scoring policy and checking points


2nd Course students 18ЛК/36ЛК



2-й курс бакалавриата;

3-й курс бакалавриата

для дисциплин,

включающих в себя

лекционные и практические занятия (ЛК+ПЗ)

1-й срез:


1-й срез –

с 22.03.2021 г. по

27.03.2021 г.


минимум – 12 баллов


максимум – 25 баллов

2-й срез:


2-й срез –

с 07.06.2021 г. по

19.06.2021 г.

минимум – 23 балла


максимум – 45 баллов


1-й срез


Формы работы


Оценка в баллах за модуль



От 0 до 25 баллов



2-й срез


Формы работы


Оценка в баллах за модуль



От 0 до 15 баллов

Письменные работы (решение задач, ответы на вопросы, презентации)







Введение в теорию современного английского языка
(ЛК 18 час., зачет)
профессор Андрей Анатольевич Богатырев

Введение в теорию современного английского языка
(ЛК 36 час., зачет)
профессор Андрей Анатольевич Богатырев



We can investigate language (or a language) in various ways by considering:


1.     how it is learnt by speakers


2.     where language (or a particular) language came from, in other words, its ancestry or past


3.     how it is used by speakers


4.     its structure.



“You shall know a word by the company it keeps” (Firth, J. R. 1957:11)


Firth, J. R. Papers in Linguistics 1934–1951

(1957) London: Oxford University Press.



Exercise 8.

Can you think of four (or more) types of information we can find out about a particular word in a dictionary?

1. Part of Speech

2. Transcription

3. Primary meaning (or any, or many) /Syn; Ant; Par;/

4. Origin

5. Collocations and colligations.



Lecture 09-04-2021

Lecture 23-04-2021




Recommended Reading


Yule pp. 360-386


Press the button below




Some extra support materials 

Some inspirational videos




Some notes on

communicative competence


According to Dell Hymes,

Speakers build up their communicative competence by developing

three different and interrelating aspects:

1.Linguistic rules:


ability to deal with language structures

2.Sociolinguistic rules:


ability to behave in a particular social context

3. Cultural rules:

ability to perform within the appropriate cultural rules of a specific speech community



Canale and Swaine (1980) describe the four dimensions of communicative competence.

  • Grammatical competence: refers to what Chomsky calls linguistic competence.
  • Sociolinguistic competence: refers to an understanding of the social context in which communication takes place (role relationships, shared beliefs and information between participants …)
  • Discourse competence: refers to the interpretation of individual message elements in terms of their interconnectedness and how meaning is represented in relationship to the entire discourse or text.
  • Strategic competence: refers to the coping strategies that participants use to initiate terminate, maintain, repair and redirect communication